Photo Prayer 2020-35 — Heaven On Earth

Is heaven a golden country of ease and comfort, where the sun settles to tea and toast? The Lord’s Prayer asks that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. That might mean that here and now is like heaven if God’s will is done here and now, done wherever here and now happens to be. Here and now can be beautiful, ugly, calm, or chaotic. This place is heaven if the Word becomes incarnate. Let me overstate the case, exaggerate my conclusion. Every moment, every place is on the threshold of communion. What goes on invites us forward. Heaven is at hand. The cares that keep us captive gladly surrender. We are in the company of joy and promise.

Photo of fields and a country road in Chester County, Pennsylvania near sunset.
Photo and text copyright 2020 by Danny N. Schweers.

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Sybil wrote:
Thank you for this... a reminder of what is real and true. I need it!

Maryann wrote:
Lovely, Danny. Your narrative reads like poetry.

Bernadette wrote:
AGREED!! I have been theorizing on the same idea. Love how you put it though! Great food for thought!

John wrote:
Thanks for the reminder! All I have to do is look - but sometimes I need a reminder to just look!

Trish wrote:
I love your positive and faithful spirit. Thanks for sharing.

Nina wrote:
Makes you really think about the Lord’s prayer.

D-L wrote:
This image and your prayer help a great deal during this awful time.

David wrote:
Beautiful. Thank you.

Ellen wrote:

Hugh wrote:

Frank wrote:
I have often thought we make our own heaven or hell right here on earth. Julianne H Newton wrote: Yes!

Barbara wrote:
I believe that there are no guarantees of anything beyond where we are now. It’s great to find heaven here! Thank you for looking, finding and sharing your perceptions of heaven on earth!❤️

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