As signs go there are few better
than to have a fledgling
hop onto our feet
to get a better view of the world,
the bird not yet able to fly,
it not yet wild. It is pleasing
to have one so vulnerable
give us such trust,
we who vigilantly guard our boundaries,
we so quick to enforce our rights,
we so proudly self-sufficient.
If we are trusted,
may we also be more trusting.


Photo of a fledgling bird on the author’s foot.
Photo and text copyright 2018 by Danny N. Schweers

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Comments from 2018

Rosemary wrote:
Ohhhhh! So beautiful.

Hugh wrote:

Shari wrote:
I've missed my Photo Prayers!!! What an absolutely adorable photo and it is YOU, Danny, personified: The gentle giant that the vulnerable are drawn to. [The author says: “God help them!”]

Tom wrote:
Great photo and message, Danny. I've noticed also that juveniles of several species are unafraid. I was once out on a photo walk and had a baby squirrel come right up to my feet, curious as to what this two legged creature was. Eventually they learn to be afraid, for self protection.

Marti wrote:
I think this has to be at the top of my most favorites of your pictures — as well as your message, Danny! It was mesmerizing! I wanted to keep staring at it. Thanks for giving this special imagery of trust!

Elizabeth wrote:
Danny, This photo amazes me, and your prayer is spot on. Elizabeth

Holly wrote:
Beautiful! Thank God our cat wasn’t there!

Julie wrote:
Amen, Danny! We are supposed to be stewards, and that means so many different ways of caring for our surroundings. I love this picture, and the words you wrote to accompany it.

Nicole wrote:

Comment from 2020

Bernadette wrote:
Love this! Now that I work from home, looking out past the laptop I watch birds all day out the window.  It is neat to see the babies sometimes who've ventured out on the patio fearlessly, and look at me curiously a little too long cause they havent developed the caution instinct yet..Then the parent comes over to rescue and chastise them..I think your experience tops that tho!

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