In my mind, it is still Winter,
by the calendar, February,
yet everywhere I look
bright green shoots rise upwards.
Leaves open themselves to the sun.
The earth awakens while I hibernate.
Snow shovels lean unused against the house.
Firewood lays unkindled in the hearth.
They and I are out of sync with the season.
Why is life stirring but I am not?
Where is the snooze button for Spring?


Photo of daffodil sprouts in February, Arden, Delaware.
Photo and text copyright 2018 by Danny N. Schweers.

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THE AUTHOR SAYS: Thanks for your comments on my odd desire for winter to continue. Yesterday, Friday, March 2, my prayer was answered. Snow fell all day and into the night. Winds blew so hard that 400,000 people were still without power in our area at 11:00 p.m., 40,000 here in Delaware, many here in my village. Now it is Saturday morning, the sun is shining here, the wind has weakened, and the snow is quickly melting as the temperature climbs to 44º F. Many are still without electricity. Not exactly what I hoped for!

Larry wrote:
Great photo plus I like mention of the snooze button.

Rosemary wrote:
There were cherry trees blooming in DC last weekend. Did you see any of them? Rejoice! Going to the Philly Flower Show?

Kerry wrote:
I am barefoot and sitting outside in the sun with my puppies! It is a glorious day, sunny and 60 degrees and I can not tell you how happy it makes me to feel that sunshine after all the overcast days this winter! Embrace spring!

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